We do our best to share with you the best transsexual porn content that is available on the web.

You can use the Search box located on the right sidebar to find what you are looking for, you can search by name of TS Model, Scene Name, Movie Name, Producer or Scene Type (Bareback, Hardcore, VR).

Our current collection is in about 16856 posts! An average of 9 video posts per day! All high-quality, they are mostly in 720p and/or 1080p (some on 4K).

We’ll be happy if you help us buying a TezFiles Premium Account! include subscription to the site with more TS content! or K2S Premium Account!
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We also appreciate if you report posts with dead links for fix it ASAP.

Some users ask: no more K2S links? But links to K2S are still here, we don’t understand why they can’t see them! To see just click on banner in each post:

Thank you! and Have fun!

112 thoughts on “INFO

  1. Laura Ferraz, HD remastered solos
    House of Shemales movies HD remastered
    Brazilian shemales from 2005-2015 HD remastered.

    Yeahh.. i’m greedy ; )

    1. Bianca Berbare – Big Booty Bianca (11/Jun/21) Still corrupted, stop at 37:21, video lenght are 43:08

      Those 2 videos are only available in 720p

  2. Hello,

    Is it possible for you to upload these ? I am searching for them for a long time.–Kat-Winter.html–Soldier-Boi-Fuck.html–Alexa-Amore.html

    Thank you very much in advance;

  3. Why over 2 weeks since anything new has been uploaded to the sight??!! Not the first time this has happened recently!!!

  4. why is there a captcha on EVERY single page now. It really is annoying and increases the amount of work just to navigate and browse. If this isnt addressed will definetly stop using this website. I have better things to do than solve captchas all day. Literally half the time is spent doing this.

  5. Hi. Thank you for yesterday’s Winry set. If you don’t mind me pushing my luck. Post these other sets please!

    G: Libbey Harper – Libbey Fucks Herself & Cums!

    G: Kate Zoha – In Bed With Kate Zoha!

    Femout: Diva Fortune fucks herself and cums

  6. Hi, thanks for the wonderful site. Is there anyway to see all the stuff that’s been re-uploaded? Like a list

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