
Don’t Click Allow on “Verify You’re Not a Robot”

The “Click Allow to Verify You’re Not a Robot” scam relies on tricking users into enabling browser notifications, which then allows the shady website to bombard your device with pop-up ads and other irritating notifications.

You may encounter these dubious sites through a few different methods:

– Redirects – Some sites will automatically redirect you to the “Click Allow to Verify You’re Not a Robot” page, often without you realizing it. This typically happens when clicking links in spam emails or visiting questionable websites.
– Pop-up Windows – In some cases, the click allow prompt appears in a new browser tab or window that pops up unexpectedly. This catches people off guard and makes them more likely to interact with the prompt without thinking.
– Mobile Redirects – On mobile devices, you may sometimes get redirected to the click allow verification page when clicking links in apps or emails.

The key thing to understand is that these sites are specifically designed to manipulate users into allowing notifications. Once enabled, the website can spam your device with as many ads and pop-ups as they want.

So DO NOT click “Allow”! Just need click on “Block”, it’s harmless, don’t worry.

These relentless notifications range from slightly annoying to downright disruptive:
– Pop-up ads promoting dubious products, get-rich-quick schemes, and questionable services
– “Prize winning” alerts that attempt to get your personal information
– “System notification” pop-ups that look official but are just ads
– Alerts prompting you to call fake tech support numbers
– And much more…

Always check that the URL in the address bar should always start with or simply If not, close the window and try again.

If you see strange pages of this type, DO NOT click “Allow” or better DO NOT click on anything! Just close it and try again to enter, Thank you for your understanding, we are working on solving it.